
Air Conditioning

New City AC Services from Clarkstown Heating & Air

If you live in New City, you may be wondering who to call for AC services. You want an air conditioning contractor who provides comprehensive services. You need to count on someone to be there should a repair concern arise, or when you need maintenance. And, you want a contractor who will provide you with…

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How to Use Your Air Conditioning More Efficiently

Everyone loves the cool comfort of air conditioning for their homes. However, most of us don’t like the costs associated with it. You can expect that your energy bills will go up some when you use your AC. But, if they seem to be going through the roof, you may not be using your air

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Ductless AC Helps Keep All Your Spaces Cool; Save Energy

The primary source of heat in older homes often comes from a boiler system. As a result, these homes are less likely to be fitted with ductwork. As such, installing central air conditioning is not much of an option. Installing ductwork for central AC requires major renovation. Or, homeowners can choose window AC units. However, they’re often noisy,

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Count on Clarkstown for the AC Services You Need for Your New City, NY Home

It isn’t always easy to know whom you should call when you need help with your air conditioning. There are a lot of HVAC companies to choose from, and most, at least on the surface, offer similar products and services. But not all home comfort companies are alike, and sometimes less-than-reputable dealers offer products and

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Need AC? Here Are 3 Types of Air Conditioning for Your Rockland, NY Home

When you’re considering installing new air conditioning in your Rockland, NY home, you want to know all about the different options available to you. Whether you want to replace your old, inefficient central air conditioning system, find a cooling option for a new addition or an area in your home without ducts, or find an

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No Ductwork? Choose Ductless Air Conditioning for Your Rockland, NY Home

Do you have an area of your Rockland, NY home that you wish could be cooler during the summer months, but where ductwork installation would be either impractical or impossible? Sometimes, adding ductwork to an area of your home isn’t feasible, but at the same time, not being able to enjoy an area of your

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When You Need Ductless Air Conditioning for Your Rockland, NY Home, Count on Clarkstown

Living in Rockland County, NY, you know that the summer heat around here can get pretty unbearable. Being able to relax in the air-conditioned comfort of your home is imperative, but if you have a space in your home that doesn’t have ductwork, it can be problematic. Rather than deeming that room unusable, though, you

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Keep Your Rockland, NY Home Cool & Dry this Summer with Carrier® Air Conditioning

Have you been thinking about installing a new air conditioning system in your Rockland County, NY home, but you’re not sure what to get? Today, there are many different types of air conditioning systems on the market, so you likely have many questions when it comes to making the right decision. For instance, if you

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Finding the Right Contractor for the AC Repair You Need for Your New City, NY Home

It’s the hottest day of the year, and your air conditioning system is on the fritz. Your house feels like a sauna, and you can’t wait to get your AC up and running again. The last thing you want to do in this sweltering heat is to research AC contractors to find the best one

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AC Maintenance is Important for your Rockland County, NY Home – Here Are 5 Reasons Why!

Imagine what would happen if you got a new car and just drove it, never changing the oil, replacing wiper blades, having it inspected or topping off fluids. As you can probably guess, your car wouldn’t last very long. So then it stands to reason that your Rockland, NY home’s air conditioning system is the

AC Maintenance is Important for your Rockland County, NY Home – Here Are 5 Reasons Why! Read More »